
Showing posts from July, 2024


ILLUSTRATION & VISUAL NARRATIVE TASK1:EXERCISES Illustration & Visual Narrative LIU CHENG RUI(0370930) Illustration & Visual Narrative/Bachelor of Design(Honours)in Creative Media 22/4/2024-13/5/2024( WEEK1-WEEK5) INTRODUCTIONS: LECTURES: Week 1 :  Mr.Hafiz gave us a brief presentation regarding the module and assignment. Mr.Hafiz is a patient and responsible teacher. I did not join Google classroom, but Mr.Hafiz still helped me after class, helping me answer questions I did not understand in class, and even asking everyone if they understood. Week 2 : In today class, Mr Hafiz introduced some basic tools and features in Adobe Illustrator such as Selection, Direct Selection, Pen Tools and Stroke.  Firstly, Mr Hafiz wanted us to get familiar with the Pen Tools by playing  The Bazier Game . This is because Pen Tools are important in a lots of software other than Adobe Illustrator, likes Photoshop and Maya.  Fig 1.1 The Bezier Game Week 3: In a character design, iconic(silhoutt


ILLUSTRATION & VISUAL NARRATIVE TASK 2: DECISIVE MOMENT   June 05, 2024 TASK 2: DECISIVE MOMENT 5 June 2024- FANGYAOYUE(0372006) Illustration and Visual Narrative | Bachelor of Design in Creative Media | Taylor's University TASK 2: DECISIVE MOMENT LECTURES Week 7: Mr Hafiz gave us some briefing regarding the assignment. We were instructed to create a animated album cover of the artist, Frank Sinatra. We need to choose one song his song. By appreciating the artistry and lyrics, we required to sketch initial ideas , figure out storyline, illustrate and compose and animate a ‘moment’ base of the understanding from the chosen song.  Illustrated typography must be included. Foreground, midground and background must be considered and illustrated. Artsyle such as Minimalist, Retro, Pop Art and Art Nouveau are recommended.  Project Brief You are to choose one song from the list below, appreciate the song, hear it through and understand the lyrics. You are then required to sketch initia

Lab 4: Illustrated Type

Lab 4: Illustrated Type

Weekly homework report PRACTICAL (Digital Collage)

Week1  design#1: Pinterest的 Description: This picture brings me a spirit of hard work and study, and the colors are bold and contrasting This picture contains three colors, black, white and red.  The red color is mainly distributed in the top of the picture and has a prominent appearance, which emphasizes the visual center to a large extent and makes it easy for people to understand the content described in the picture.  The weightlifter in the center of the upper red area symbolizes the human brain's hard thinking about chess, while the other red color is on the black chess in the lower left corner.  Use a strong color contrast to highlight the difficulty of the battle between man and chess. design#2: Pinterest的 Description: This picture repeats the same figure to highlight the central idea, and I guess it may be intended to express the meaning of gaze, which has a deep meaning My first impression from this picture is that many eyes are watching me, but it is actually lots of peo

PROJECT 1 Digital Photography and Imaging

  Digital Photography and Imaging  (GCD 61204) PROJECT 1 (20%) PROJECT 1A: Physical Collage (5%) Digital Collage (5%) PROJECT 1B: Hearst Mansion (5%) Recoloring Black & White (5%) NAME:  LIU CHENG RUI   I.D:  0370930 COURSE:  DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING  GROUP: 1 EMAIL: E-PORTFOLIO:  ( ____________________________________________________________________________ Timeframe Week 01 – Week 5 Deadline Week 5 Description Collage Design. 2 exercises related to Collage Design, one physical and one digital. The aim is to develop a theme/idea with layers of images with design principles. Requirements Weekly submissions.  You are required to capture screenshots and compile it in E-PORTFOLIO blog. This should be modelled after a Photoshop/Illustrator tutorial (examples to be provided). Submission 1 Digital submission through Google Classroom Learning Goals 1 Generate and communicate design concepts and solutions through manual and digita