Typography - Final Compilation

Typography - Final Compilation

22/4/2024--------22/7/2024 (Week 1-Week 14)

Liu Cheng Rui (0370930)
Typography | BDCM | Taylor's University
Final Compilation


Task 1: Exercises
Task 2: Type formatting


Task 1 | Type Expression (Exercise 1)

Fig 1.1 Final Type Expression (JPEG) 

Fig 1.2 Final Type Expression 

Fig 1.3 Final Type Expression GIF

Task 1 | Text Formatting (Exercise 2)

Fig 1.4 Final Text Formatting 

Fig 1.5 Final Text Formatting (with guides) 

Fig 1.6 Final Text Formatting - PDF 

Fig 1.7 Final Text Formatting (with guides) - PDF 
Font/s: Bembo Std
Type Size/s: 72 pt
Leading: 36 pt
Paragraph spacing: 0 
Font/s: Bembo Std
Type Size/s: 9 pt
Leading: 11 pt
Paragraph spacing: 11 pt
Characters per-line: 57
Alignment: left justified Margins: 123 mm top, 26 mm left + right + bottom
Columns: 2
Gutter: 10 mm

Task 2 | Type Formatting 

Fig 2.1 Final Type Formatting 

Fig 2.2 Final Type Formatting (with guides) 

Fig 2.3 Final Type Formatting - PDF 

Fig 2.4 Final Type Formatting (with guides) - PDF 


Font/s:   To build and live by(ITC New Baskerville Std) A CODE (Arial)

Type Size/s: 94 pt (CODE), 34 pt (To build and live by), 34 pt (A)


Font/s: Gill Sans MT (text)

Type Size/s: 10 pt (text), 14 pt (Lead-in text)

Leading: 12 pt (text), 16 pt (Lead-in text)

Paragraph spacing: 12 pt (text)

Characters per-line: 35 characters

Alignment: Left justified

Margins: 10 mm (top, bottom, left, right)

Columns: 6

Gutter: 5 mm

Task 3 | Type Design & Communication 

Downloadable font link:

Fig 3.1 FontLab Final (sidebearings & kerning)

Fig 3.2 Final font construction 

Fig 3.3 Final Font Construction - PDF 

Fig 3.4 Final Type Poster (Black) 

Fig 3.5 Final Type Poster (Black) - PDF 

Over the course of 14 weeks, I gradually went from knowing nothing about typography to learning something. The typography course is an interesting and demanding subject, from the initial design of typefaces to the final use of a series of software to bring it to life. All these are challenges and new cognition for me again and again. Fortunately, with the help and supervision of Mr. MAX, I can learn new experience in each assignment, and it is these experiences that I can grow rapidly in the discipline of typesetting.
In addition, the software used in typesetting is also one of my biggest gains during this period. AI, ID and Fontlab can better help me learn, but they are very happy. In summary, I really learned a lot and grew a lot during this period.
In the study of this big module, there are really many details in typesetting that need to be paid attention to and observed. However, due to my carelessness many times, I did not pay attention to many details, such as font selection and size, word spacing and line spacing, etc. In the first study, I often forgot or made mistakes about these elements. Because these details will affect the visual beauty and professionalism and readability.
Only through continuous attention and optimization of typography details, can the work reach a higher level of visual and broader impact, which is extremely important for typography.
After this period of study, I mainly found that it is important to understand fonts and choose fonts, because at the beginning of my typography study, I did not have much sensitivity to the choice and use of fonts. As I study further, I discover the impact of different font styles and features on the overall visual effect, and how to choose the right font for different stylistic and design purposes. There is also the need to master good typesetting principles. For me, I tend to focus on aesthetics at the beginning, but with the deepening of learning, I find that the beauty of typesetting is not only the appearance, but also the clarity, readability and principle of the writing.


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