Design Research Methodology Task4

 Design Research Methodology Task4

Liu Cheng RUI (0370930)

RES60604/Design Research Methodology  / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylor's University

Module Information Booklet

PDF of Final Report

MP4 of presentation video

Lecturer’s weekly feedback

Week1(Module introduction & briefing of all tasks)
Week2(Briefing on how to write a problem statement)

1. Which culture in China should be specific.

2. Which category of game design should be specific.

3.Put the ideas you want to express in writing.

Week4(Correction proposal)
The object of study is too large to complete, it is recommended to find your favorite field.
Week5(Correction proposal)

Some words in the statement of issues need further elaboration.

Week6(Finally correct the proposal and Task 3 Briefing)
Write the quotations of the obtained information in the article in accordance with the format.
Week7(Refine and submit tasks 1 and 2)
Make a one-to-one correspondence between research objectives and research questions.
Week11(Improve task3's shortcomings)

1.This part Implementation planshould explain how you will conduct your focus group in detail, process and planning. 

2.You need to be specific and also indicate the ages clearly.

3.You need to explain the selection criteria clearly since this is a purposeful judgement sampling.

Week12(Proceed to task3)

1.The questionnaire survey is used to collect demographic data, opinions, or attitudes to inform you about the participants' perspectives before you conduct the interviews. So make sure the questions in the survey will help you prepare for the interviews.

2.It is recommended to use lots of visuals from the games to show the participants when interviewing them. This will help to remind the participants and be accurate in referring to the points you are asking, to avoid misunderstandings or confusion.

Week13(Proceed to task3)

1. Change the research method to a mixed study.

2. The data collected should answer the research questions.

3. You can compare quantitative data with qualitative data.


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